Hi! 👋 I’m Kristóf Marussy
I’m an assistant professor working at the 🔬 Critical Systems Research Group (ftsrg) at the 🏫 Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering (MIT) at 🏛️ Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). My research interests include graph generation, logic solvers, formal verification, and applying these techniques for ensuring the safety and correctness of critical systems.
I also like free (as in liberty) and open-source software. My pronouns are he/him.
Critical systems
Cyber-physical systems especially in the railway, automotive, and aerospace domains with stringent correctness and reliability requirements
Formal verification
Proving the safety and reliability of critical system designs and software components in a mathematically precise way
Automated reasoning
Integrating logical and numerical solvers with intelligent heuristics to answer challenging analysis questions and synthesize reliable system designs
Graph generation
Efficient graph-based information processing for system modeling, testing data-driven systems, and knowledge representation in autonomous systems
Recent posts
- PKCE authentication: client-side vs server-side on December 23, 2024
- Variable CSS font features in practice on April 5, 2024
I also contributed to Ferdium, a desktop app that combines and organizes messaging apps to take back user freedom. Give it a spin!
I host some Git repositories and Jenkins CI to publish my own code and mirror software I contribute to or use.
Take a look at the mirrors of Firejail and sway. Here are my scripts for mirroring.
Selected publications
- Kristóf Marussy, Attila Ficsor, Oszkár Semeráth, Dániel Varró (2024). Refinery: Graph Solver as a Service. In International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2024. PDF Video Open Access: CC-BY-4.0
- Máté Földiák, Kristóf Marussy, Dániel Varró, István Majzik (2022). System architecture synthesis for performability by logic solvers. In International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) 2022, pp. 433–45. DOI PDF Artifact Closed Access: ACM
- Boqi Chen, Kristóf Marussy, Sebastian Pilarski, Oszkár Semeráth, Dániel Varró (2022). Consistent Scene Graph Generation by Constraint Optimization. In International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2022. DOI PDF Open Access: CC-BY-4.0
- Kristóf Marussy, Oszkár Semeráth, Dániel Varró (2022). Automated Generation of Consistent Graph Models With Multiplicity Reasoning. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, volume 48, issue 5. DOI PDF Open Access: CC-BY-4.0
- Márton Búr, Kristóf Marussy, Brett H. Meyer, Dániel Varró (2021). Worst-case Execution Time Calculation for Query-based Monitors by Witness Generation. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, volume 20, issue 6. DOI arXiv PDF Closed Access: ACM
- Kristóf Marussy, Oszkár Semeráth, Aren A. Babikian, Dániel Varró (2020). A Specification Language for Consistent Model Generation based on Partial Models. Journal of Object Technology, volume 19, pp. 3:1–22. DOI PDF Video Open Access: CC-BY-ND-4.0
- Kristóf Marussy, Oszkár Semeráth, Dániel Varró (2018). Incremental View Model Synchronization Using Partial Models. In International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) 2018, pp. 323–333. DOI PDF Artifact Closed Access: ACM
See the full list of my pulications at
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Some portions may be exclusively licensed to their original publishers
Master of Science (MSc)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Bachleor of Science (BSc)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Professional experience
Assistant professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
- Performing research and developing tools to address challenges in the development of critical systems motivated by case studies and collaborations with industry partners
- Integrating AI-based technologies with graph-based logic reasoning to improve Positioning, Timing and Navigation solutions in the VAMPIR project of the European Space Agency
- Discovering and quantifying the impact of simulators on the validation process of AI components in the AiSimEval basic research project funded by ONR Global
2023–2024 (research fellow) 2020–2023 (assistant research fellow)
- Formally verified critical subsystems in the railway and automotive domains in Hungarian national projects collaborating with Prolan Zrt. and thyssenkrupp Ltd.
Assistant research fellow
Research trainee
BioIntelligence Research Group, Institute of Genomic Medicine and Rare Disorders, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Scholarships and awards
University Researcher Scholarship Programme (EKÖP)
2024 (postdoc)
Awarded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI) of Hungary to around 2000 recipients per year (formerly ÚNKP)
New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP)
2023 (postdoc) 2021 (PhD candidate) 2018 (PhD student) 2016 (MSc)
2023 Josef Heim Award
Awarded by the László Schell Foundation to 1 member of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering per year for exceptional work in innovation
OOPSLA 2021 Distinguished Artifact Reviewer
2020 László Schnell Award
Research visits
Graduate research trainee
May–June 2019 October 2020
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill Univeristy, Montreal, Canada
Visting researcher
March 2019
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and Mathematics, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Teaching and mentoring
Course coordinator of Critical Systems Laboratory
Teaching assistant
- Courses at the Department of Measurement and Information Systems and the Department of Computer Science and Information Theory
- Including practice and lab sessions in the IMsc programme of BME for talented BSc students
Supervised BSc and MSc thesis works
7 × BSc 4 × MSc 1 × MSc ÚNKP student research
Supervised Scientific Students' Association research
5 × 🥇 5 × 🥈 1 × 🥉 1 × meritat university level
1 × 🥈 1 × meritat national level
Academic service
Review Committee member
Extended Review Committee member
OOPSLA ’23 ECOOP ’23 and ’22
Artifact Evaluation Committee member
OOPSLA ’23 and ’21 ECOOP ’23 and ’22 FASE ’24 and ’23 ESOP ’22
Reviewing for journals

Personal e-mail
For messages about my projects, this website, or anything else