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Licenses for this site


Unless otherwise marked, content on this site is Creative Commons license: CC-BY-4.0 licensed.

The site uses the following marking scheme for content licenses:

  • The Creative Commons icon denotes content with a Creative Commons license. These license are applied to most open access scholarly literature.
  • The license icon denotes content with other libre licenses.
  • The lock icon denotes restricted content I have the rights for to post but not to license for re-use. This includes material kindly provided to me for posting by others and author drafts of papers published in closed access journals or proceedings.

You’re in general free to re-use content with Creative Commons or other libre licenses as long as you abide by the terms of the linked license. However, re-using restricted content will need prior permission from the copyright holder.

Restricted content

Restricted content on this site marked with the lock icon includes the following:

  • The photo of me appearing on the home page was taken by SPOT Fotókör in 2019 for the Critical Systems Research Group.

  • The drone shot of BME building I appearing in the Contact section was taken by Ákos Hajdu in 2020 for the Critical Systems Research Group.

  • Unfortunately, some of my publications appeared in closed access journals and proceedings. Even though neither me nor my colleagues received any compensation, the copyright of this content was assigned to the publisher, such as ACM or IEEE.

    Whenever allowed by the current copyright holder, I posted the final draft of the paper to this site. For papers published by ACM, I also created a link with the Author-Izer to the version of record of the paper. Such links only work if your browser sends my site as the HTTP referer to ACM.

  • My PhD thesis and its extended abstract incorporate content whose copyright was assigned to a publisher. I’m also required to add the following disclaimer:

    “In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Budapest University of Technology and Economics’ products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink. If applicable, University Microfilms and/or ProQuest Library, or the Archives of Canada may supply single copies of the dissertation.”


Code for this site is available at under the License: MIT license. Files with restricted content were replaced by placeholders or omitted entirely.

I follow the REUSE Specification – Version 3.2 to declare copyright and licensing for each individual file. In particular, files which contain both code and content (e.g., content inside complex JSX components) have the SPDX License identifier MIT AND CC-BY-4.0 to signify that they are both MIT and CC-BY-4.0. If you use only code or only content from such files, you only need to abide by the corresponding license (MIT or CC-BY-4.0, respectively).

The site also uses the following third-party code available under libre licenses: